New Viagra for stimulation of libido and weight loss

The medication, which has the potential to boost fertility rates, is also believed to help aid weight loss.
The pill, which is being developed by the Medical Research Council’s Human Reproductive Sciences unit in Edinburgh, uses a hormone to release the chemical Type 2 gonadtropin, which drives the reproductive system.
It is expected to outperform Viagra because it will increase the brain’s desire for sex, wheras Viagra only boosts the body’s sexual capability.
Tests on animals have proved successful and scientists are now working on a human version.
Lack of libido affects more than a third of women and one sixth of men.
Viagra is used by 27 million men worldwide.
Professor Robert Miller, part of the research team, said the drug would replace Viagra.
This drug would arouse and produce the desire for sex at the same time, in men and women, he told the Daily Mail.
It is very exciting that we have made so much progress, as the stimulation of libido would mean a great deal to a huge number of people.
One of the next steps will be to produce a pill.